Saturday, July 23, 2011

Classroom {Mini} Makeover

Well, I splurged and bought some new things to spruce up my classroom and make it feel more "homey."  I made the hour drive to IKEA just to get rugs and curtains for my room.  I love them! I also check the local Goodwill store quite often for classroom stuff.  I just found these candy pillows last week.  My students will be so excited to use them for STAR {Stop Talking And Read} Time.  And one of my walls is drywalled, so I covered it with butcher paper.  Ooh, and I am super stoked about my new multimedia cart.  It has a document camera, projector, laptop, dvd player, & wireless air slate.  I know, it's not a Promethean or Smart board, but it'll do for now.  Anything's better than the old overhead projector I have been stuck with for years.  Anywhooo, check out the pics...

It's getting there, but I still have a long way to go.  August 17 is going to come very quickly, so I'd better get moving! 


  1. I am a new follower thanks to the Pinterest party! I love your classroom pic! Stop by my blog & check it out if you get a chance :o)
    Peace, Mel D
    Oh the Places We’ll Go

  2. Hi! Just found your blog through the linky party! Nice to meet you! Blog your heart out :D

    Mrs. Ayala’s Kinder FUN

  3. Hi I just found you on the linky party too!! Welcome!! I LOVE the colorful rug from IKEA!! It's so cute! Happy Blogging!!

  4. I just found your blog through the Pinterest Linky Party, too!! :) Love the candy pillows!!

  5. Are your rugs from IKEA the fireproof ones? We can only use the ones that have proof of being fire retardant per the fire department. There are so many cute ones out there but I can't use them for that reason. The others are soooo expensive!!

  6. I just found your blog through pinterest! I LOVE IT! I have always wondered... how do you get the butcher paper to stick to the wall all year? I love how it looks! =)

  7. Just found your blog through Pinterest. It's great! I can't wait to implement some of thest things. :) And I know you said your room is small, but looking at the pictures you used to set it up, it looks HUGE. :)

  8. I LOVE YOUR CLASSROOM! Did you make the "2nd grade rocks banner" yourself? If so, what font & size? How did the butcher paper hold up on your cinder block walls through the school year?

  9. Okay...another you need a calendar area in second? I'm coming from kinder where calendar is a major deal. The teachers room I am getting in second has a spot all set up for calendar but I feel like it's wasted space.

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